The Apatisiwin program offers a variety of employment programs, education & skills designed to provide opportunities for Indigenous peoples in Ontario, maintaining meaningful employment opportunities.
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Pre-employment Training
This program is designed to address pre-employment barriers of Apatisiwin clients. The intervention also aids in helping those individuals who require additional assistance in order to maintain employment.
Examples of pre-employment training includes but are not limited to:
- Essential Skills
- Basic computer skills and knowledge
- Literacy / numeracy
- General Education Diploma
- Skills upgrading
Purchase of training
This program is designed to assist clients who are overcoming existing or anticipated labour force barriers by purchasing training courses in public, private institutions and through recognized trainers.
Examples of Purchase of Training costs include:
- Tuition/course fees
- Mandatory training related costs
On the job training
This program provides on-the-job training and work experience to clients by providing wage subsidies and other specified costs to employers. The objective is to provide clients with the skills and competencies required to obtain employment.
Training Supports
This program is used to provide financial supports to eliminate barriers for clients participating in Skills Enhancement interventions.
Financial supports may provide:
- Living expenses allowance
- Dependent care allowance
- Living away from home allowance
- Commuting allowance
- Parking costs
- Training course related costs (i.e. books, course kits)
This program is used to enhance and ensure the successful completion of apprenticeship training certification.
There are specific rules and legislation that govern apprenticeship and the trades, and there are a number of stakeholders, including MAESD and the Ontario College of Trades (OCOT), involved in the oversight and administration of trades programs.
When you first mention postsecondary education, most people think of college and university. However, there is a third option that is equally vital to Ontario’s economy —apprenticeship.
Apprenticeship is a skilled trades training program wherein apprentices train on the job with qualified skilled workers for 85% to 90% of their program, spending the remaining 10% to 15% of their program in classroom or online training. Apprentices are usually required to complete three to four levels of schooling over the course of a two to five-year apprenticeship.
There are over 150 apprenticeship trades in Ontario, in four sectors — construction, industrial, motive power and service. OCOT maintains a list of all apprenticeship trades in Ontario, along with important information about each trade.
The Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program helps potential entrants to the apprenticeship system develop their job skills and trade readiness so that they will be prepared to find work as apprentices.
There is no cost to participate in a pre-apprenticeship program and costs for text books, safety equipment and tools are included.
The Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program is open to a wide range of clients, including:
- High School graduates / Early school leavers
- Unemployed/underemployed youth & adults
- EI/Non-EI Eligible
- Indigenous peoples
- Newcomers to Canada
Note: Certain eligibility criteria may apply to specific programs.
Self-Employment Training
This program provides direct financial support, business training or professional support to enable a client to start their own business or continue in a career of self-employment.
Examples of supports include:
- Business Training
- Business Plan Development
- Professional Advice for Marketing, Accounting and Financial Management
- Capital costs are negotiable
Summer Jobs
The Summer Jobs intervention is designed to assist students in preparing for their future entry into the labour market.
The initiative provides career-related work experience to students through the provision of wage subsidies to public, private and not-for-profit employers to create summer employment opportunities for students.