Introducing the easy way for individuals to navigate mental health concerns without needing to talk to a therapist
AONest™ is our self-guided software system for mental health management and outcomes. It is a software system that is available 24×7 and teaches strategies for navigating mental health concerns and building emotional resilience. Because it is a digital solution, AONest also removes the need for talk therapy.
How does AONest help people start to prosper?
AONest is a one-stop solution to help people work on their emotional well-being so they have the capacity to prosper. It meets them where they are, online, and throughout their lives.
Currently focused on First Nations reserves and equity-deserving groups supported by social services agencies, AONest provides an easy way for anyone to navigate their mental health concerns whenever and wherever they want – all they need is an internet connection and a comfortable space. They can then work through the professionally curated materials at their own pace.
The solution delivers the equivalent of thousands of hours of mental health therapy through hundreds of learning pathways that teach strategies for mental health, healing and resilience. By working through the software program (and benefiting from our employment support), individuals can learn the strategies they need to prosper in life and find employment. Then, they can set themselves up to have any future they want.

Why do we call it a “Nest”?
A nest is a bird’s first home. In the nest, birds are nurtured, protected and taught life skills and resilience. They learn strategies so they can eventually leave the nest and soar on their own. In nature, nests are strategically built as safe spaces — they take on a variety of shapes and forms, depending on climate, available materials, and so on.
AONest teaches essential life skills. As you work on your mental health and emotional resilience, you learn strategies to help you prosper. Our nest is a safe space where you build your own healing path, depending on your needs and areas of interest. Like the nests we find in nature, AONest is intended to act as a landing space for each user whenever they return.
Help us help others achieve prosperity
We are on a mission to provide AONest to every person that needs it so they can achieve prosperity. We are starting with First Nations communities and equity-deserving groups supported by social services agencies. If you are a leader with one of these groups, contact us at support@aonest.com to learn more about how you can get AONest for the people you support, free of charge.
Why Create A Self-Directed System?
The current health system in Canada is an unsustainable resource for mental health. Below are some of the most persistent barriers in current mental health services in Canada, as reported by the Canadian Mental Health Association in 2020.
Wait Times
The longest wait for services is up to two and a half years – over 900 days. The average wait time is 67 days for counselling and 92 days for intensive mental health treatment.
Location-Based Inequities
There are significant inequities on wait times based on your location and age. Much-needed programs for those with serious mental health concerns do not exist in rural, remote and northern communities.
Support for
An estimated 200,000 kids with serious mental health issues have no contact with any mental health services.

Lack of healing from intergenerational trauma also results in the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in social support systems.
50% of our local homeless population is Indigenous.
50% – 75% of children in care are Indigenous.
30% of prison populations nationally are Indigenous, with that number being as high as 50% in many women’s prisons.
500% higher school dropout rates for Indigenous youth.
We also know that children in care often transition from one system to another system, where they often represent 50% – 80% of those populations including the various shelter systems.
Canada currently has created a system of life-long support for our most vulnerable populations which means it is very difficult to get out of these social support systems and impossible without healing and training for employment.
The maintenance of these systems cost Canadian taxpayers 10s of billions of dollars annually. If we can provide the tools to help Indigenous people heal and provide opportunities for employment specific training, Canada could save 10s of billions of dollars annually.
In 1971, the worker to retiree ratio was 7:1, In 20 years, the ratio will be 2:1 due to the mass retirement of the baby boomer population. This will impact services, pensions, healthcare, and long-term care. Providing services to this valuable population of retirees who are also our older family members, will cost 10s of billions of new dollars per year.
Overrepresentation in Indigenous Communities
At Anishnabeg Outreach (AO) the priority population we serve is urban First Nation, Inuit, and Metis (FNIM). Last year AO supported over 14,000 local FNIM people with our programming. There are 50,000 FNIM people in the Waterloo Region, with complex and diverse needs.
The FNIM community in the Waterloo Region makes up roughly 10% of the population. With, FNIM people representing 50% of the local homeless population, approximately 50% of the children in care across the country, and over 30% of the prison population nationally. FNIM youth have a 500% higher school dropout rate. In addition to being overrepresented within these systems, we also see other outcomes of what a lack of healing has caused, including higher rates of substance abuse, addiction, and mental health conditions.
As a result, AO takes a healing-centered approach to all program delivery ensuring that we are meeting the specific and diverse needs of our clients at all levels. AO works hard to assist FNIM people to overcome the barriers that exist because of colonial systems through offering a sustainable and comprehensive suite of centralized wrap-around healing based services for urban FNIM people.
At AO we work with large businesses and organizations to break down barriers that exist within their systems to ensure Indigenous peoples have equitable access to employment. AO does this through reconciliation training.
Our reconciliation training that we provide is one of the many programs and services AO offers to combat the high numbers of Indigenous representation in the statistics above.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at info@aocan.org or call us at +1 519-208-5333.